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12-year-oId girI gave bỉrth to 24-year-oId man’s baby, but her mom’s excuse shọcked everyone!

Per reports, doctors were stunned when the 12-year-old girl, who was not identified due to her age, was rushed to the hospital mid-labor, giving birth to her first child.

Unfortunately, their surprise quickly turned to horror when the young mother’s 24-year-old lover, Juan, unashamedly expressed his excitement over the arrival of his new baby.

The girl, who is just old enough to be in the 5th or 6th grade, was immediately checked into the hospital for emergency care while medical staff called the police on Juan for the ra-e of a minor.

Officers stated that he proudly declared he is the father of the baby and acted confused as to why the police were even involved.

Juan was arrested while the girl gave birth to a healthy baby without any complications. He was charged with first-degree ra-e of a minor after confessing to police that he had impregnated the girl. “We don’t believe this is inc-st at this time,” officials said. “We know there are many people in the community who are shocked by this, grossed out by this, disturbed by this, have questions, a whole range of emotions. But in time, we will be able to give the community the answers they want. We just don’t have all the answers right now to give them, and we don’t want to compromise the investigation that’s still happening and really just now getting started.”

Even more disturbing was the fact that Juan had the blessing of the girl’s mother to continue a relationship with the child. Police confirmed that the girl’s mother, Desiree, allegedly threw a baby shower for her daughter and the father-to-be, according to reports. In fact, many family members and friends not only knew about the child’s se-ual relationship and pregnancy but even celebrated it after it was publicly announced on social media. “The investigation revealed that the victim’s mother and family members were aware of the relationship between the victim and Juan,” police officials said in a news release. “The family permitted the relationship, and there are photos of the family throwing a baby shower for the victim and the suspect.”

Investigators were baffled as to how so many friends and family members knew about the 12-year-old girl engaging in a se-ual relationship with the man and not one of them ever contacted either law enforcement or child protective services. The uncomfortable truth is that there is a deep cultural divide on the matter. The girl’s mother was arrested and charged with child neglect and enabling child se* abuse. Sadly but unsurprisingly, the 12-year-old girl’s biological father is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence for an unrelated ra-e. Both the girl and her baby are doing well and were placed in the custody of the state. It is unclear whether they will be released to any family members.