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A driver from Dallas was tragically shot after colliding with a sign on the R. L. Thornton Freeway

A guy was fatally injured by gunfire while driving near downtown Dallas early on Saturday morning, and a homicide investigation is currently being conducted as a result of the incident.

The Dallas Police Department reports that at approximately 5:25 in the morning, police received a call of a shooting that occurred at the intersection of Exit Ramp 46 and E. RL Thornton Freeway EB, which is located immediately before the Hardwood Street Bridge.

It was found by the authorities that a man was shot and killed while he was driving in the region, according to the preliminary investigation that they conducted. As a consequence of the shooting, the man was unable to maintain control of the vehicle and ended up colliding with a sign.

It was determined that the victim had passed away at the site. For the time being, his name has not been made public since the Dallas County Medical Examiner is still conducting an autopsy on his body.

On the other hand, the police department has not disclosed any information concerning a suspect.