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A guy from Dallas County, Missouri, was given a term for concealing a letter of threat within a book from the library

After being charged with inserting a threatening letter inside a library book in May of 2023, a guy from Dallas County was given a sentence for having committed the offense.

Matthew Fleetwood, who is 46 years old, was given a sentence of five years in prison for many charges of making a false bomb complaint and several counts of threatening to commit a terrorist act in the second degree, as stated in the court records.

According to the letter, there were seven devices located in and around the city of Buffalo. One of the devices that was identified as being located in the school was a chemical device that had the potential to leave a hole that was the size of a football field.

According to the letter, the author, who went by the name “Jack,” was hired to assassinate Matthew Fleetwood. The letter contained a number of demands, one of which was to confine Fleetwood and his wife to a room at a motel and to compensate them for their agony and suffering by providing them with $1.5 million.

After searching all of the school buildings, as well as the county and city government facilities, the authorities discovered no indication of any potential threat.