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A method for blessing oneself

We wish other people joy, love, health, and prosperity, and they do the same for us, but what about wishing the best for oneself?
We won’t simply do our tasks if we don’t have the same positive thoughts about ourselves as others do. Blessings and well-wishes are strong, excellent ideas and phrases that ought to motivate similar behavior. Our ability to enjoy calm, happiness, and prosperity increases with the caliber of our thoughts.
Just desiring to be happy won’t make us happy; it takes work, some discipline, and reinvention of the self. If I keep acting and thinking the same way I always have, nothing will change and I won’t be any happier than I was before. Other people may wish me well, saying things like, “May you be healthy, wealthy, and happy all your life.” Yet if I don’t alter the way I think and act, life will carry on as usual.
Perhaps a lot of us have seen what happens when our mood is off. We do not speak to anyone and pout in a corner.

We tell them to leave us alone in response to their pleadings, though. No one, no matter how hard they try, can make us feel better if we don’t want to. Their words of support can foster a positive environment that might be helpful to me, but before my attitude can change, I must alter my way of thinking. Similar to how receiving blessings from others won’t make me healthy and happy if I don’t make changes in my life.

I can check what is the quality of my thoughts throughout the day. We often make sure that our face and dress are in order, so that we are presentable. Similarly, we take care that our house is neat and clean. But we fail to check our state of mind, which is most important, because even when everything outside is perfect, we will not feel happy if the mind is upset.
The first thing we need to do is get our priorities right. This year, we can give ourselves a blessing – that we will keep our thoughts and vibrations perfect. All that we think, speak, and do creates our energy field, which in turn affects our thoughts and behaviour. This is how ‘sanskars’ or tendencies are created. When we pay attention to keep our thoughts pure and powerful, the quality of our vibrations steadily increases. Then, happiness, health, and harmonious relationships are easily experienced.