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A reporter is taken aback by the frequent assertions of a Democrat from Massachusetts that the “border is secure.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts), who stated that the border is safe, was met with resistance from CNN host Jake Tapper, who pointed out that “millions” of people cross the border illegally.

Even though she agreed that waves of migrants are coming into the United States, Representative Ayanna Pressley, a Democrat from Massachusetts, stated in an interview that the border with Mexico is secure.

In recent weeks, the situation at the southern border of the United States has become a topic of discussion in national news outlets as a record number of illegal immigrants enter the country. Pressley stated during an interview with CNN on Wednesday that the matter is under control, despite the fact that key Democratic officials, such as the governor of Massachusetts, are becoming increasingly concerned about the scenario.

Pressley was asked by the host of CNN, Jake Tapper, whether “something needs to be done” about the “crisis at the border.” Tapper had mentioned the concerns of certain Republicans regarding the absence of increased financing for border security in the upcoming bipartisan plan in the Senate. Tapper then questioned Pressley about whether “something needs to be done.”

Pressley had just finished saying, “There is no question about it, our border is secure, and we are in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, and we have to fix a broken system,” when Tapper interjected to make sure he heard correctly. “No doubt about it, our border is secure,” Pressley added.

You believe that the border is safe, don’t you? Or is it not safe to do so?” he queried.

Pressley reiterated that the United States is “in the midst of a humanitarian crisis” and that it is imperative to get federal investment in order to support the families of migrants.

Tapper repeated his request for explanation and stated that he was in agreement that the current situation constituted a humanitarian disaster. “But just to get some clarity on this, and certainly, it is a conversation for another day, but do you think that the border is secure? ” “But just to get some clarity on this, and sure, it is a conversation for another day. That’s what you said, right?”

The representative from Massachusetts asserted, “Yes, the border is secure,” for the second time. “And we are in the middle of a humanitarian crisis that has been created by a system that has broken down.”

“However, if there are millions of undocumented immigrants entering the country, how can you possibly secure the border?” Tapper inquired about it later.

Pressley sidestepped the inquiry by responding that “this is not a new crisis,” referring to the situation once more as “a humanitarian crisis,” and mentioning that she works to represent “one of the most diverse constituencies in the country” while also serving as the chair of the House Haiti caucus and representing “the third-largest Haitian diaspora.”