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A starving homeless dog notices an open car door and opts to hop in the front seat

Bill, a Missouri resident, was returning home from a fishing trip in Arkansas when something unexpected happened. He had briefly stopped for a pit stop, leaving his car door open due to the quick nature of his errand. Upon returning to his car, he found a surprise passenger – a stray dog had jumped into the front seat.

The dog was visibly hungry and seemed desperate for help. Bill could only offer her a Rice Krispie Treat, the only food item he had in his car. The dog readily accepted it, a clear sign of her hunger. Seeing her condition, Bill knew he couldn’t leave her out in the cold; she would not survive.

As luck would have it, the dog had stumbled upon the right person. Bill and his wife, Angela, were known for their compassion towards stray animals, often providing them with a loving home. Their house was already a shelter for many rescued dogs.

Informing Angela about the new hitchhiker, Bill sent a picture of the dog. Angela immediately extended a warm welcome to their new family member. They decided to name her River, inspired by the location where she found Bill.


Upon reaching home, Angela and their son greeted River. Despite the welcoming environment, River seemed reluctant to leave the car, perhaps the only safe place she had known in her street life.

Eventually, Bill carried River into the house, introducing her to her new siblings one at a time to avoid overwhelming her. With three rescue dogs and a rescue cat already part of the family, River was destined to fit right in.

River’s first night at home involved a much-needed bath to clean off the mud, blood, and ticks that covered her. After a hearty meal, she spent the night next to a space heater on a makeshift bed in Bill and Angela’s room.


The following morning, River began exploring her new surroundings with newfound curiosity. Bill and Angela noticed that she seemed housebroken, suggesting that she might have lived in a home before.

River’s health was a concern, prompting a visit to the vet. She was diagnosed with tapeworms, heartworms, and wounds on her neck and face. Despite her health issues, River seemed happier each day, thanks to her caring new family.

With time and care, River healed and started settling into her new life. Her confidence grew each day, and she seemed grateful for the second chance at life she received from the kind man whose car she jumped into.


River quickly became part of the family routine, playing with her canine siblings and even winning over the initially unimpressed cat. “She runs in the yard and chases nothing with Winston, sits for cookies with Ginger, and hogs the bed with Butters,” shared Angela.

This heartwarming tale of a starving stray dog finding a loving home is worth sharing. It serves as a reminder of the difference kindness can make in the lives of those who need it most. Share this story with your friends and family to spread the joy.