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According to the poll, Biden is having trouble in Michigan while Trump is gaining a large advantage

According to the findings of a recent statewide poll that was commissioned by The Detroit News and WDIV-TV, the support for Vice President Joe Biden is already in a precarious position in the state of Michigan. In a head-to-head comparison ten months before the election on November 5, he is trailing Republican Donald Trump by eight percentage points.

A survey conducted in the battleground state with 600 probable voters for the general election indicated that only 17% of respondents believed that the Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden, deserved another term as president of the United States. Richard Czuba, the founder of the Lansing-based Glengariff Group, which was responsible for conducting the survey, stated that this number was a new low for a significant public officeholder in the history of modern democratic politics in the state of Michigan.

The survey, which had a margin of error of plus or minus four points, found that in a potential contest between Biden and Trump, who is facing a historic onslaught of criminal charges, 47% of likely voters said they preferred the Republican, while 39% selected Biden. This represents an 8-point advantage for Trump, according to the survey. In addition, 3% of respondents stated that they would vote for a different candidate, while 11% stated that they were unsure about their vote.

When voters were given a list of candidates from third parties, Trump’s lead over Biden increased to as much as 12 points by the time the survey was completed. Biden, who is now serving as president, and Trump, who served as president in the past, are largely anticipated to emerge as the nominees for their respective parties this year.

Since 2016, The Glengariff Group has been conducting polls for The News and WDIV that feature Donald Trump. According to Czuba, the survey that was conducted between January 2 and January 6 was the first time that Trump had a lead in Michigan over the expected Democratic nominee before to an election.

“If I were a Democrat in Michigan, I would be breaking the emergency fire alarms in the White House and demanding to know what the plan is for Michigan,” according to Czuba. “Because these numbers are very bad for any incumbent of any party.”

Among those who were asked if Biden had performed his job well enough to merit reelection or whether it was time to give someone else a chance, 17% of respondents said that Biden deserved to be reelected, while 77% of respondents desired a different national leader. On the other hand, 33 percent of those who participated in the survey acknowledged that Trump is deserving of a second term, while 62 percent stated that they would rather have someone else in office.

According to the results of the poll, Michigan Democrats, who have won a string of political triumphs over the course of the past six years and have assumed control of the state government, should be concerned about the results. The numbers came in at a time when the Michigan Republican Party is experiencing financial difficulties and after Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governor of Michigan, won her reelection campaign in November 2022 by a margin of more than ten percentage points.

In addition, the results came after Trump’s campaign attempted to overturn the presidential election that took place in Michigan in 2020, and his followers invaded the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, which was the day that lawmakers met to count the electoral votes for states around the country.