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After a church holiday concert, two fathers argue, which turns into gunshots, leaving both of them injured

A guy from Dallas County has stated that he shot the stepfather of his children following a quarrel that took place after a church holiday concert on Thursday night. He claims that he was afraid for his life at the time.

According to the Dallas Police Department, Clayton Matthews, who is forty years old, told them that he and John Steven Farmer, the stepfather of his children, got into an argument in the parking lot of Lakewood Presbyterian Church after the holiday performance. The argument was about “Steve” “getting onto one of the children over making loud noises during the holiday performance.”

Matthews stated that Farmer struck him in the face with a clinched hand and then struck him once again in the thigh, which resulted in his falling to the ground. When Matthews fell to the ground, he feared for his life, brought out his gun, and fired at Farmer until he believed he had “stopped the threat.” Matthews told the police it was the moment he felt he had “stopped the threat.”

Farmer was struck at least six times, including twice in the lower belly, twice in the right heel, twice in the left calf, and twice in the right thigh, according to an affidavit related to an arrest request that was acquired by NBC 5. It was reported that the farmer was in stable condition on Thursday night.

Clayton Matthews, a booking photo is taken at the Dallas County Jail.
According to the testimony of an armed witness who was there in the parking lot when the gunfire was heard, the witness turned around, brought out his pistol, and instructed Matthews to put his gun down. According to what he described to the authorities, Matthews took out the magazine and then set the gun and clip down on the ground.

Additionally, Matthews, who was also taken to the hospital, sustained a facial fracture as well as a significant injury to a tooth. Following his discharge from the hospital, Matthews was taken into custody and put into the Dallas County Jail, where he remained detained on a bond of one hundred thousand dollars until Friday afternoon. There is a lack of clarity on whether or not Matthews has brought in a counsel to represent him.