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After a decisive vote, Democrats in Massachusetts have called for money for Ukraine

After the last-minute passage of a stopgap budget bill on Saturday, which will keep the federal government open for a little more than a month, the state’s all-Democratic congressional delegation voiced concerns that the measure does not include additional funding for Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invasion, and that the country may very well be back in the same sticky position in a few weeks. The measure will keep the federal government open for a little more than a month.

It does include the increased funding for federal disaster aid that the Democrats wanted, but it does not include the $6 billion in funding that was asked for Ukraine’s defence against Russia’s invasion of the country. That assistance continues to be a priority for the administration of Vice President Joe Biden.

“[House Speaker] Kevin McCarthy took the side of the Kremlin in the dispute regarding Ukraine. In a statement released over the weekend, US Representative Jake Auchincloss of Newton indicated that his conference would have voted to shut down the government rather than support Ukraine’s fight for freedom if Democrats had not stepped up to help him.