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Ashley Johnson and six other women allege that Brian Foster sexually and physically abused them.

Ashley Johnson, who voices Ellie in the popular PlayStation video game series The Last of Us, has filed a lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend and former co-star in the Dungeons & Dragons-themed web series Critical Role, Brian Foster, alleging physical and sexual violence, as well as mental and emotional abuse.

The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court by six named female plaintiffs, including Johnson, and one unnamed female plaintiff.

Foster is accused of domestic violence, sexual battery, assault, intimidation, violations of civil rights, gender violence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress in the complaint. The allegations are based on Foster’s behavior over the past decade and cite his “chronic abuse of drugs and alcohol” as fuel for his “disturbing pattern and practice of chilling and depraved behavior towards women.”

“Foster has left a trail of victims whose lives he sought to control through various lies, threats, intimidation, and manipulation,” the complaint states.

Bryan Freedman, the attorney for all seven plaintiffs, stated in a statement that the lawsuit was filed “to both remedy the abuse Foster inflicted on my seven clients and to prevent others from falling victim to Foster’s pattern of mental, emotional, and physical abuse.”

Johnson specifically alleges that Foster extorted her by threatening to disclose “personal information” about her unless she paid him $150,000. The complaint also includes claims that Foster physically intimidated Johnson by punching through glass, hurling objects and screaming obscenities in her face — behavior that left the actress “under constant duress for years.”

According to the lawsuit, their relationship began in 2012, when Foster moved into Johnson’s residence and his aggressive behavior and alcohol consumption escalated.

According to the lawsuit, Johnson and Foster ended their relationship in 2023, but following the breakup, Johnson began carrying around a black duffel bag and ammo case containing “two airsoft guns modified to appear to be real guns and a garotte, which is a strangulation device.”