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Baby Killed By Mother Using A Drop Of Salt, Authorities Shocked By Why She Did It

As a pair of cops drove to the scene of a residential domestic issue, they believed it would just be a quick stop to intervene in a simple dispute.

But, through the course of events, the guy who answered the door murdered one of the officers. Although he believed he would get away with the killing, the following day, a group kids ensured he received some shocking karma.

Tacoma police were dispatched to a residence on a Wednesday afternoon at about 4 p.m. Once cops went inside the home to see what was going on, a neighbor of the couple living there said he heard two or three shots coming from the residence.

Reportedly, a struggle ensued between the cop and a man who shot him as he was likely resisting arrest, which ended up with the officer being fatally wounded. During the rush to get the officer lifesaving help and backup on the scene, the unnamed suspect took off to hide.

Emergency surgery was performed on the injured officer, who was immediately transported to the nearest hospital but died a short time after arrival. As this hero in blue suffered the consequences of a man’s poor decisions, the suspect who took his life was still at large.

SWAT officers swarmed the residence where he was holed up and negotiated with him for 12 hours to come out. He became more hostile and took his two children, ages 8 and 11, as hostages in a bedroom. His wife and another woman were long gone by then, as they managed to escape the scene for safety, leaving the kids there with the killer, who used them as human shields.

Considering the father was armed, unstable, and dangerous, locking himself in the room with kids to block bullets, essentially ensured his demise. Officers were able to pull one child out to safety while the dad held tightly to the other terrified kid when a sniper came up behind the cop killer and fatally shot him through a window, only having spared one bullet to do so, according to KING5.

Both children were safely taken from the home and into police custody but are surprisingly unharmed after hours of this ordeal, thanks to the skillful men and women who swore to protect and serve and did just that. The fallen officer’s name will be released once all of his family is notified of his death, and our thoughts and prayers are with those related to him through blood and the badge.

Justice was served by his killer getting exactly what he gave to this brave officer. He had it coming the second he pulled the trigger and took two terrified kids as shields.