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Biden repairs the system for resettling people fleeing war and strife

The Biden administration is rekindling a proud American tradition by prioritizing the resettlement of refugees. Historically, the United States had been a beacon of hope, resettling more refugees annually than all other countries combined. However, this legacy was temporarily dimmed during the Trump administration, which significantly reduced refugee admissions, ultimately setting a record low cap of 15,000.

In a move that underscores the Biden administration’s commitment to restoring this tradition, President Biden fulfilled a campaign promise by raising the refugee admissions cap to 125,000 for the first full fiscal year of his term. This swift reversal of policy signaled a renewed dedication to the principles of compassion, humanity, and offering refuge to those fleeing persecution and hardship.

Yet, despite this commendable change in policy, the actual number of refugees resettled in the United States remained relatively low. In 2021, the country admitted just over 25,000 refugees, an improvement from the previous years but still falling short of the established annual cap.

Recognizing the need for further reform, last year, this editorial board joined immigration advocates in urging the Biden administration to streamline the refugee admission process. The aim was to ensure that the cap set on refugee admissions translates into tangible, meaningful opportunities for individuals seeking safety and a fresh start in the United States.

The challenge lies in not only raising the cap but also addressing the bureaucratic hurdles and inefficiencies that can slow down the resettlement process. Streamlining the admission process would not only enable the United States to fulfill its humanitarian obligations but also harness the contributions and talents of those seeking refuge on American shores.

The commitment to restoring the nation’s reputation as a refuge for those in need is not just a matter of policy but an embodiment of American values and principles. It reflects the belief that diversity, compassion, and inclusivity are the cornerstones of a stronger, more resilient society.

The Biden administration’s efforts to revive the proud American tradition of refugee resettlement are a testament to the enduring spirit of compassion and solidarity that defines the nation. As the administration continues its work in this crucial area, it remains a poignant reminder that the United States can once again lead the world in providing a safe haven for those seeking refuge and the promise of a better future.