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Boy Notices Strange Smell Coming From School Bus Driver – Takes One Look At Driver and Calls 911

Trevor, a student at Pining Grove Middle School, notices a strange and unpleasant smell on his school bus at around 3 p.m. The bus was swaying dangerously, and the driver, Carla Mitchell, appeared scared and struggled to control the vehicle. Trevor, who was sitting by the window, was concerned about the odor and the driver’s condition. He couldn’t identify the smell but knew it was burning his nostrils. The bus suddenly lurched forward, causing chaos among the passengers, and Trevor realized he had to act quickly. He dialed 911 on his cell phone, which his parents had given him for emergencies, and described the situation to the operator. The operator tried to calm Trevor down and gather information while the bus was still moving. Trevor told her that the bus was still moving, and that something was wrong with the driver, whose eyes kept closing, indicating that she might be sick. The operator instructed Trevor to keep the driver awake and get her to pull over. Trevor called out to the driver, who eventually pulled over to the side of the road. The operator stayed on the phone with Trevor until emergency services arrived, including firefighters and paramedics, who assessed the situation and evacuated the children to safety. The bus’s ventilation system was checked, and Carla Mitchell was taken to the hospital. The cause of the odor and the driver’s condition were not revealed in the excerpt.

A school bus driver named Carla Mitchell is found to be intoxicated after a concerned student, Trevor, notices a strange smell coming from the bus and calls 911. The officer at the scene finds Mitchell struggling to get out of her seat and fails a sobriety test. The source of the odor is later discovered to be burning brakes, but the incident highlights the danger of driving under the influence and puts the spotlight on Trevor’s quick thinking and bravery. The school district responds by implementing new safety measures, including a buddy system and a backup driver, to ensure the safety of children on school buses. Trevor becomes a local hero and earns accolades for his vigilance.