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Coming Soon to YouTube Music: Podcasts

Podcasts will soon be available on YouTube Music, according to Kai Chuk, the podcasting head of YouTube, who made the announcement this week at the Hot Pod Conference.

Chuk revealed some details about what we may anticipate from podcasts on YouTube Music, albeit they are not currently available and no official release date was given. According to the conversation, YouTube Music would provide “improved library tools” in addition to ad-supported background listening for podcasts.Do you know Joe Rogan?
According to reports, YouTube Music is not currently planning to offer any exclusive programs or licensed originals. That might change if YouTube receives funding to begin competing with Spotify and its podcast lineup.

We anticipate hearing something official about this soon. Podcasts look like a perfect match and complement to the service given YouTube’s position as a host of a significant portion of the world’s audio and visual material, which is mostly all available from YouTube Music.