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Delayed Flight Left Passengers On Edge, Until These 4 Old Men Decided To Lighten Up The Mood!

Nothing is worse than boarding a plane, departing from the gate and then getting stuck out on the tarmac for maintenance. But, there are certain things that can make sitting on a plane for 5 hours a little less of a drag.

That’s where this video, captured by US Airwaysflight attendant Kari Mann, comes into play.

Sitting aboard this flight to New Orleans was Port City Sound, a very seasoned barbershop quartet with a huge personality. As soon as Mann found out their true identity, she asked them to perform for everyone.

Well, it turns out that they are remarkably talented, and were able to change the mood of the whole plane for the 5 hours they were stuck.
In the video below the quartet performs a rendition of The Drifters “Under The Boardwalk.” You can see other passengers pull out their phones to capture the amazing moment. More importantly, you can see the passengers start smiling!

The Port City Sound are award winning seniors quartet in New England, New York and parts of Canada. While they’re award winning, you can tell that they truly delight in using their voices to entertain and inspire others.

Share their wonderful impromptu performance if you were inspired by their talent!