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Doctors Were Shocked When Pregnant 12-Year-Old Girl Gave Birth, They Screamed When They Discovered Who The Baby’s Father Is!

Prosecutors said that the pregnant 12-year-old girl was taken to a hospital with stomach pains. Shortly after, the girl, who was not identified due to her age, gave birth to her baby, a court has heard.

The girl had been just 11 when she was ra-ed , prosecutors said. It was not clear whether the girl realised she was pregnant or not. The court heard a midwife carefully asked the girl whether she had had se* and the youngster replied that she didn’t know.

She told a midwife she had not known but she was overheard telling other people in hospital that she had known.

According to the court documents, the girl was ra-ed by her 14-year-old brother in the family home. The siblings were growing up in a dysfunctional household where the parents exercised little control and created a culture of secrecy and lies and where there were blurred se-ual boundaries, per reports. The victim’s brother, who is now 16 and cannot be identified for legal reasons, had previously pleaded guilty to two counts of statutory ra-e when he appeared in the dock for sentencing.

Prosecutor Buckley said the offending came to light when the girl was rushed to hospital in the early hours of the morning suffering with severe stomach pains. Within a couple of hours she had given birth to her baby. The court heard a midwife carefully asked the girl whether she had had se* and the youngster replied that she didn’t know. Prosecutor Buckley also said that when she asked the 12-year-old victim if she had consented, she said she thought so but wasn’t sure. The authorities became involved and the girl’s teenage brother was interviewed by police. During an interview with investigators, the victim’s brother said that he had his sibling had been wrestling downstairs on one occasion while their parents were out and they had then gone upstairs to wrestle on the bed as it was more comfortable.

He said they had begun kissing before each removing their own clothes and then having se*. The girl told the authorities that she didn’t want to go home any more and just wanted to live the normal life of a girl her age and wanted her baby to have the best life. The court heard the defendant is now living with foster parents, is responding well to their positive influence, and is remorseful. Judge Vosper made the teenager the subject of a two-year youth referral order with a supervision requirement and an activity requirement. The defendant will be a registered se* offender for 30 months.