Leaving your pet behind is one of the most heartless and cruel actions any person can take. Animals entrust us with their entire beings, offering unconditional love and devotion – so for those who carelessly discard them without a thought to their safety or security, we are deeply disheartened.
Though people may have a myriad of excuses for abandoning their pets, such as relocation or financial difficulty, these are never valid reasons to leave your pet stranded. Even in the case that an animal isn’t getting along with a newborn baby, there is always another solution other than abandonment.
While this story culminates with a heartwarming resolution, it begins as an incredibly heartbreaking account of one dog’s experience after being abandoned. You might want to keep some tissues nearby for when the emotions start to run high!

The tale begins in Dallas with the charming Camilla, a pup who called it home. During her family’s move to another house, they left bags of rubbish out on the street for the garbage collectors – packed full of objects and items that no longer served any value or purpose.
Camilla was a discarded dog that had been thrown out like garbage, abandoned in front of her own home. Her owners were so indifferent to Camilla’s well-being that they didn’t even leave behind food or water for the poor pup. She only had an old blanket as a source of comfort and solace.
To make this moment even more somber, it just so happened to be New Year’s Eve — the time of year when families and friends come together in joyous anticipation for what is to come. Meanwhile, Camilla was aimlessly wandering outside the warmth of home with nowhere to go. It was a disheartening sight that affected us all deeply as we watched her trudge by, scared and alone.

Instead of seeking food or shelter, devoted Camilla remained on her blanket, eager for the return of her beloved family. Dogs are only accustomed to showering others with affection, so it likely baffles poor Camilla why they would have abandoned her in such a manner. Regrettably, however, they never returned home.
On New Year’s Day, Marina Tarashevska, co-founder of the animal rights organization Dallas DogRRR stumbled upon a bedraggled Camilla. The poor pup was huddled on her blanket in the cold air, still clinging to hope that her family would come back for her soon.
Despite the cold, dreary weather and the absence of her former family, Patti Dawson – executive director at Dallas DogRRR – saw that a dog refused to leave their blanket. It was almost as if they were still holding out hope for them to come back; clinging on tightly to familiar feelings in this new place.

After Marina consulted with the residents in her vicinity, she was reassured that Camilla had indeed been deserted. Now it was up to her to save the pup.
Marina’s rescue was a delicate mission. She was timid of unfamiliar people and understandably reluctant to abandon her family. “Whenever Marina inched nearer to the blanket, she would immediately flee away,” Patti narrated.
Despite the daunting task ahead of them, these two brave women tirelessly worked together to rescue Camilla. After a while, they were finally able to get her into a kennel – but she was still scared out of her wits.
Patti remembers her first encounter with the frightened dog. She described it as if the pup had shrunk into a ball in its crate, too scared to look up or make contact. When anyone approached, she would stay completely still and huddle further back away from any probing hands. It was clear that this special furry friend longed for love but was overwhelmed by fear of being hurt again.

Poor Camilla had multiple wounds on her neck, which the vet attributed to a confrontation with another pup. Despite the trauma she experienced from being discarded outside her home, she is now in an infinitely more content atmosphere and has moved into a new foster family where she awaits for somebody special to give her lifelong love.
Let’s hope this heartbreaking story has a happy ending soon and that Camilla finds her forever home where she can experience true love.