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Dorchester guy on $1M bail for shooting that injured younger brother and sister

After being charged in connection with a shooting that occurred one month ago and resulted in five persons being hurt, including a little brother and sister, a man from Dorchester is currently being held on a bail of one million dollars.

Gianni Johnson, 24, was taken into custody on Monday evening and charged the following morning in Boston Municipal Court on many charges related to the shooting that occurred on September 17 at 50 Ames Street in Dorchester.

When officers from the Boston Police Department went to the incident just after 8:30 p.m., they found five persons wounded in a rear courtyard. There were three adults and two youngsters among the injured. According to a news release issued by the police on Tuesday, one of the children sustained injuries that are considered to be life-threatening and is currently in critical condition.
Juliana, who was 15 years old, and Johan, who was 11 years old, were both shot while playing outside, according to statements made by their father, John Howard, to NBC10 Boston. According to NBC10 Boston’s report, the young woman was shot a total of four times, and one of the bullets struck her in the head.

“She’s receptive to feedback. According to what Howard shared with the TV station on Monday, “She is not fully out of the sedation at this time.” “She can kind of blink her eyes, but not 100%, but she’s responsive, and we know that she can hear us,” said her carers.
Micah Ennis, 24, a resident of South Boston, is wanted for questioning in connection with the shooting, according to the Boston police department, which is conducting a search for him. He is being held accountable for the same crimes as Johnson.

“We commend the cooperation from the residents of our City who are fed up with these reckless acts, and the incredible work and dedication of our Homicide Unit who have been working this case round the clock,” Boston Police Commissioner Michael Cox said in a statement. “We commend the incredible work and dedication of our Homicide Unit who have been working this case round the clock.”

Cox went on to say, “We realise that this can’t erase the pain and suffering of the children and adults who were injured in this outrageous shooting,” The Boston Police Department will keep working to ensure that all of those responsible for the violence in our communities are held accountable for their actions.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has information on it is requested by the Boston Police Department to contact the homicide detectives at 617-343-4470. Calling the CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1-800-494-TIPS or texting the word “TIP” to “CRIME” (27463) are two more ways for members of the community to give information discreetly and anonymously.

During the arraignment on Tuesday, the District Attorney for Suffolk County, Kevin Hayden, met with members of the families of the victims. After the meeting, he complimented the detectives and community people who assisted with the case.

According to him, Johan is shaken up but will likely make a full recovery physically.

Howard expressed to NBC10, “I definitely want some justice to be served, and I really feel confident that it’s going to happen.” “I really feel confident that it’s going to happen,” Howard said. But for the time being, before we get into all of that, let’s give the cops a chance to do their job. As her father, it is my responsibility to make sure that she is safe.

As a result of the serious nature of the injuries, the investigation has been headed up by the Homicide Unit of the Boston Police Department in conjunction with the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office.

According to the district attorney’s office, Johnson has been charged with five counts of assault with the intent to murder, as well as unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, unlawful possession of a large capacity feeding device, unlawful possession of a machine gun, and discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a building.

Johnson has entered a plea of not guilty to the accusations, and a hearing to determine whether or not there is probable cause is scheduled for November 2. On Tuesday afternoon, we attempted to get a comment from his attorney, but we were unsuccessful.

“The brutality of sending bullets flying where people were gathered and children were playing should shock and outrage all of us and should unite us — and by that I mean all of us, from every community and every sector and every level of society — against the glut of illegal guns in our city and the people who are so willing to use them,” Hayden said in a statement. “The people who are so willing to use them.”

In addition to this, he stated that “we need to recognise and treat gun violence as a societal epidemic.” How else can we characterise a brother and sister who were killed while they were playing outside their house on a balmy evening in the late summer?