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Everyday Hero: Gym-Goer Turns Lifesaver! Watch How This Guy Rescued a Woman Trapped in Sinking Car

I feel like a hero if I just MAKE it to the gym. So this guy’s the real deal

30-year-old Jay Moss was leaving a gym outside Newark, New Jersey after his workout around 8:30 on Tuesday morning. And he heard someone yell that a car had just driven into a river across the street.

A 50-year-old woman had jumped a curb, landed in about 10 feet of water and her SUV was sinking. And she was unconscious! Jay drove across a bridge to get closer to her. Then he stripped down and dove into the river, but he couldn’t get her door open. He says that was the scariest part, because no cops or firefighters were there to help yet.

So he put his foot against the side of the SUV for leverage, started pulling on the driver’s side door as hard as he could and did finally manage to get it open.

Then he picked her up and carried her out of the water. And someone driving by shot some video.

Paramedics showed up right after that, took her to a hospital, and she’s okay. Jay says he was just trying to do the right thing. Thank you, Jay – you did.