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Five people spoke to us about their weekend party scene. Can you identify?

Through Daphne Clarance It is comparable to browsing a menu at your favorite restaurant. You can’t decide which item is the winner because each one is as soul-satisfying as the last. In a similar vein, choosing a weekend party scene on a Friday night may be one of the hardest choices because there are so many options.

The seemingly straightforward idea of a weekend party has several meanings for people of all ages. While some prefer to spend their evenings relaxing with a glass of wine at home with their friends, others prefer to spend their time getting ready, going out to a loud club or a quiet dinner in order to plan a fun weekend activity.

Similarly, when there are house parties where people outside your inner circle are invited, introverts or people who have had a very busy week might not find it a good idea. “Extroverts might want to go out to a club and if that doesn’t work out, they’d want to spend time with friends at a house and invite even more people to speak to. That’s where they thrive,” she said.

IT professional Godwin Nadarajan said that his definition of “going out” means spending time with close friends in a quiet park. “I like chatting and no activities during the weekend,” he said. “On the other hand, if a house party promises to be relaxing without having to play any games, then I’m up for it,” Godwin said gleefully.

Shruti, a journalist by profession, explained that with stringent work hours, a weekend party scene is mostly about going to a friend’s house and unwinding over conversations and a scrumptious dinner. “My friends, however, like to go out dancing more often, but that’s only because they do not have to face severe deadlines as I do, where every day is exhausting. Spending time in a quiet space with a close friend is the ideal weekend,” she said.

As we begin our weekend, what’s your party scene like?