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Generous Arby’s Staff Give 97-Year-Old Veteran Free Meals For Life

Doug is a 97-year old veteran of World War II who knows exactly what he likes. He shows up to the same Arby’s location in Chandler, Arizona nearly every day.

In fact, Doug is such a regular patron that the workers have memorized his order by heart. Earlier this week, the employees decided to give something back to Dough in order to show their appreciation for his constant business.

One day, a group of employees took time out of their busy days to sit down with the war veteran and ask a few questions.

First and foremost, the employees asked Doug why he always came to the same Arby’s location every day.

Although the employees were expecting a simple answer, Doug responded in a much more impactful way.

Dough revealed that his stomach cannot handle food from any other establishment.

Because of these stomach problems, Doug purchases the same meal and sits in the same spot every day.

Employees at this Arby’s location have grown fond of the veteran.

After seeing a familiar face for over two years straight, one can easily grow accustomed to the company of another human.

Despite risking his life to protect the United States and the entire planet during World War II, society has largely forgotten about Doug.

The Arby’s in Chandler, Arizona decided to recognize this man’s service in a way that the government had failed to do in the past.

They adopted Doug as a natural part of their family.

Fox 10 was called to the Arby’s location in order to document the special moment when employees gave Dough a $200 gift card.

Doug hadn’t won any award or sweepstakes.

Instead, he had won the hearts of every employee at that Arby’s location.

Doug was shocked by the kind gesture and could hardly speak.

The Arby’s crew even decided to give Doug their personal contact information just in case he would need to contact the employees for anything.

They even offered to deliver his favorite meal to his house.

The manager of this Arby’s location decided to take these kind gestures to the next level by offering Doug something truly special.

The WWII veteran can now eat at Arby’s for free.