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Geologist Gets Revenge On Drunk Neighbor Who Blocks Her Car With Boulder

Melissa shares her experience of dealing with inconsiderate neighbours who blocked her driveway with a boulder. Despite initially getting along with her new neighbours, they began to cause problems when they blocked her driveway with their car during a party.

When Melissa asked them to move the car, they replaced it with a boulder, which they thought was in their airway. Melissa, who is a geologist, was unable to remove the boulder herself, and when she asked for help from her neighbours, she was met with silence.

Frustrated and determined to take matters into her own hands, Melissa used her professional auto chipper to drill through the stone and pulverize it into a pile of rubble. She destroyed the boulder early in the morning, within acceptable noise ordinance hours, and left the rubble for her neighbours. Melissa’s neighbours underestimated her, assuming she would not be able to do anything about the inconvenience they caused. However, Melissa’s intelligence and resourcefulness allowed her to take action and resolve the issue.

Melissa, a geologist and volcanologist, takes matters into her own hands when her neighbour blocks her car in with a large boulder. Instead of waiting until later in the day to remove the obstacle, Melissa decides to blast the rock to pieces early in the morning while her neighbours are still sleeping off their previous night’s festivities.

Delighted by the outcome, Melissa enjoys a cup of tea, knowing that her neighbours might think twice before blocking her car again. The incident gains attention on social media, with people retweeting her updates and asking questions. Melissa answers most of the queries, explaining the reason for her neighbours’ actions and her request for them to move their cars by 7:00 a.m. The unexpected response and attention she receives are overwhelming, resulting in hundreds of new followers and a potential role model for young girls aspiring to become scientists.