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Gwyneth Paltrow Makes a Joke About Utilizing Her Oscar Statuette as a Door Stop: It works flawlessly!

Gwyneth Paltrow is making use of her Oscar statuette.

During an interview with Vogue for a “73 Questions” video, the 51-year-old actress disclosed that she uses her 1998 Best Actress award for Shakespeare in Love as a doorstop.

Paltrow led interviewer Joe Sabia to her garden in the video, which was filmed at her residence in the Hamptons during the summer. As the couple passed through a doorway, the camera paused on an Oscar propped against the door.

“What a beautiful Academy Award,” Sabia remarked.

Paltrow turned around and jokingly remarked, “My door halt. It functions flawlessly!”

Later in the video, when the actress was questioned about the whereabouts of the red velvet Gucci suit she wore to the 1996 MTV Video Music Awards, Sabia mentioned the Oscar’s dual function again.


“It’s in my closet in California,” Paltrow said of the iconic suit she wore again to a Gucci performance in 2021.

“So you’re not using it to hold any doors around here?” Sabia joked, and Paltrow laughed and responded, “Not currently.”

Paltrow was questioned elsewhere in the interview about her greatest film role. “Oh my God, I was so fortunate. “I’ve played so many incredible roles,” she stated.

Among all the characters she has portrayed over the years, she did identify a favorite line of dialogue. “Probably from The Royal Tenenbaums when Margot says, ‘You probably don’t even know my middle name,'” she pointed out.

Paltrow also revealed the initial event that ignited her desire to become an actress. “Probably watching my mother [Blythe Danner] do plays when I was very little at the Williamstown Theater Festival,” according to her.

Sabia asked Paltrow which of her many films she would genuinely watch from beginning to end. “Perhaps Emma,” she responded, referencing her 1996 performance as the Jane Austen protagonist.

“Nothing,” she replied matter-of-factly when asked what she laments most about being a leading lady in Hollywood.