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‘I called my wife’s bluff with a DNA test – now our whole family is destroyed’

A man has spoken of his family’s devastation after admitting he called his wife’s bluff over a DNA test. The ordeal started when his wife told him he was not the father of their daughter in the midst of an argument – which set the wheels in motion.

The dad decided he wanted to take a DNA test – not for his own sake, but rather for his daughter. “If I wasn’t her biological father, there was just too great of a chance that she’d accidentally find out one day via an ancestry test or whatever new technology they have 15 years from now that she might want to do for fun. I wouldn’t want her to find out that way. I wouldn’t want to find out that way,” he revealed anonymously on Reddit.

And so, he went out and bought an at-home test kit, which he presented to his wife as a Covid test – something she had to regularly take for work. Just 48 hours later, he had his answer – their child was his. “She was always going to be my daughter, but biologically she’s mine. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so relieved by a test result in my life.”

Sadly the ordeal wasn’t over, as the man still felt wounded and paranoid by his wife’s words. He continued: “The more I thought about it, after sharing my story here, the more I really began to believe that my wife’s statement went beyond just trying to hurt me.

She was definitely trying to hurt me to my core when she said it, but I started to feel pretty certain that she had slept with somebody else around the time our daughter was conceived and she either didn’t know who the father really was or had believed for our daughter’s entire life that I wasn’t her biological father.”

So the man made the decision to lie to his wife, telling her that he had taken a test and that their daughter wasn’t his. Her panic was ‘obvious’, and his wife then confessed she had been sleeping with a former friend of the man.

“At the time that our marriage was on the rocks and our daughter was conceived, I had been hanging out with him and a few other buddies pretty regularly. She supposedly couldn’t stand him. He seemed to be acting like a good supportive friend to me during that time.

He was a friend, but never the type of guy I’d want my sister or a good female friend who I actually respected to ever go out with. He was really good looking and he knew it, cocky, arrogant, but women loved him. He’s slept with god knows how many women and has contracted a few stds that I was aware of over the years.”

The wife said that she had hooked up with the guy a few times during a time when the couple were separated and she found out her husband had gone on a date with another woman. She confessed that she has felt disgusted about it ever since and felt pretty sure that he was their daughter’s biological father but never wanted him involved in their lives or for him to have any rights or access whatsoever to their daughter.

Concluding his account, the man said, “I told her the truth after that. I could have continued to hold it over her head, but why? She’s mad that I lied to her. I did lie, but she thought she had been lying to me about our daughter’s paternity for 6+ years, so I call that even.

In the end she ended up sobbing out of relief for several minutes straight and we hugged while she cried, but I don’t forgive any of what she’s done. Now I’m going to get a full panel of STI tests next week….”

The post quickly garnered traction on Reddit – and readers had a lot to say. “Sooo…divorce now, right? What kind of relationship is this?” one asked. A second added: “This whole relationship seems super healthy. Nothing to see here!”

A third called the man out: “One of my sons separated. It was his wife’s choice. She left him because she didn’t think he provided enough emotional support after she had a miscarriage.

She moved back to California to live with her parents while he stayed in Arkansas, where his job was. They were separated for 14 months, and he didn’t even think about another woman. He knew she was the one he wanted to spend his life with.

“Regardless of whether or not OP had sex with the girl he dated, he still cheated. The idea that he can’t forgive her for cheating imposes a double standard. You claim it wasn’t cheating because you didn’t have s*x.