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Israeli forces raid the enclosure and detain hundreds of Palestinians during the Israeli-Palestinian clashes at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque

After Israeli authorities entered the sensitive compound of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City overnight, violence broke out, fueling worries that the already high tensions in the Middle East will flare up again during a delicate holiday season.

On the same summit as the Temple Mount, which is the most sacred place for Jews, sits Al-Aqsa, one of Islam’s holiest shrines. The Israeli security forces’ seizure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is seen by Palestinians as a national symbol, served as a major impetus for 11 days of violent riots in 2021.

Several rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, which is under the control of the Palestinian militant organization Hamas, in retaliation for the raid. Israel then claimed to have conducted airstrikes on storage and production facilities for weapons are owned by Hamas.

When Israeli authorities conducted another raid on the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in east Jerusalem on April 5, 2023, Palestinians offered morning prayers at Al-Asbat Gate. Getty Images | Mostafa Alkharouf | Anadolu Agency

Some Palestinian pilgrims have sought to sleep in Al-Aqsa since the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began on March 22; traditionally, this is only permitted during the festival’s final 10 days, according to The Associated Press. According to the AP, Israeli authorities visited the area every day to remove believersAfter tens of thousands of people attended prayers in Al-Aqsa Tuesday night.

Israeli officials said they were forced to enter the compound when hundreds of Palestinian “agitators” emerged. barricaded themselves in the mosque, armed with firecrackers and stones. Videos released online appeared to show police storming the compound, beating Palestinians with batons and rifle butts, and detaining dozens of believers and Palestinians, who aimed firecrackers at the police. Police say stones were thrown at the officers.

“The youth were scared and started closing the doors,” Talab Abu Eisha, who was there at the time of the raid, told the AP. “It was an unprecedented scene of violence in terms of police brutality.”

What is behind the violence and protests in Israel?

Israel Police said they entered the mosque after “several law-breaking youths and masked agitators” barricaded themselves in a mosque’s prayer room. The police dispersed Palestinians in front of the mosque with rubber bullets and stun grenades.

“After many and long attempts to get them out through fruitless talks, the police forces were forced to enter the premises to get them out,” Israel Police said.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said at least 50 Palestinians were injured in the raid. According to the police, 350 people were arrested and one officer was injured in the leg.