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‘It’s Like A Guardian Angel Came Down And Blessed Me’: Police Surprise Man With New Scooter After Theft

Today’s good news story comes from Roseville, Michigan.

In a heartwarming display of compassion and generosity, the Roseville Police Department in Michigan went above and beyond to bring joy to a local man named Michael after his prized possession was stolen.

police good news stories
Roseville Police Department – Michigan

A few weeks ago, Michael, 32, was riding his cherished two-wheeled scooter near the high school when he generously allowed another individual to test ride it. However, to his dismay, the person took advantage of his kindness and failed to return the scooter, leaving Michael devastated.

Detective Sergeant Saddler took on the investigation and quickly discovered that Michael was a kind and genuine individual. Touched by his story, Saddler and his partner, Detective Sergeant Coraci made the heartfelt decision to purchase Michael the exact same scooter with their own money. When Chief Berlin caught wind of their plan, he decided that the department would step in and cover the cost of the new scooter.

On Wednesday, the Roseville Police Department had the pleasure of meeting Michael in person to deliver the surprise. Overwhelmed with emotion, Michael couldn’t contain his gratitude upon hearing the news. After taking a few spins on his new scooter, Michael expressed how the unexpected gesture had turned his rough year around.

police good news story

“My eyes were like wow,” Michael told CBS News. “It’s like a guardian angel came down and blessed me.”

It was a particularly poignant moment as Michael shared that the day of the surprise happened to be his birthday.

“After taking a few spins on his new scooter, Michael said how he was kind of having a rough year and that yesterday was his birthday,” the department shared. “But.. he said after today, he thinks his year is only going to get better!”