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Judge Gave Child Molestor Light Sentence, Then His Victim Decided To Get Brutal Revenge!

Per reports, man was found guilty of second-degree murder after he confessed to killing a man convicted of mole-ting his girlfriend throughout her childhood.

According to reports, his name is Jace and he was found guilty of second-degree murder after he confessed to stabbing and strangling Robert to death.

Robert was convicted of molesting Jace’s girlfriend, Brittany, when she was between the ages of 4 and 12 while he was dating her mother. Jace said that he does not regret killing Robert. He described himself as her guardian, her protector, her hope.

“I feel a lot better,” Jace said. “It’s not regret. Is it remorse? I’m not sorry for what I did.” Jace and Brittany killed Robert on July 4 after Brittany, who was seven months pregnant with Jace’s baby at the time, searched his name online and confirmed that he still lived at the same address. The couple reportedly drove to a nearby Walmart to purchase batteries for their walkie talkies and blue latex gloves. They dressed in all black and Brittany put her hair up as to not leave behind any evidence.

Both suspects said that they intended only to hurt Robert, not kill him. However, during the act, they became more aggressive and took his life. Robert was killed inside of his trailer and his body was stuffed into a 55-gallon container. Brittany’s gloves were found inside the container, leading police to catch the couple. “We do not live in a country where we as a society are allowed to take the law into our own hands to do justice,” said prosecutor Miller. “That’s what happened here. This is not a Shakespearean tragedy.

This is not a Hollywood movie. This is the killing of a human being, whether you like him or not.” Jace’s attorney argued that his client did not commit a cold-blooded murder. “Revenge is an act of passion, and this is very much an act of passion,” said Jace’s attorney, Borghardt, in his closing argument during the trial. “We don’t believe this is second-degree murder. We believe it’s something else.” Jace pleaded guilty to manslaughter and obstruction of justice in exchange for a 42-year prison term. Brittany pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to 35 years in prison.