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Man Collapses In Airport As He Reunites With His Wife And Kids After 4 Years

Families fled the war-torn villages of the Sudan in 2012.Many of them ended up in the United States.

Dyan had gotten separated from his wife, Alik, and their children.Alik found herself in Fort Worth, Texas.

And that’s when she found out she was pregnant with her third child and wasn’t sure if she would ever meet her husband again.

Molly and Mary Claire volunteered to help with the refugee resettlement and meet Alik and her children.

The women formed a tight bond.

Mary and Molly worked hard to find Dyan and hoped for a reunion.

Four years later Dyan was finally reunited with his family.

Watch the emotional reunion that many people thought would never happen.

Take a look at this video

Can you imagine being away from your family for so long?

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