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Man dubbed ‘most dangerous inmate in the world’ was sentenced to 450 years in prison

The inmate killed four people after initially being released from prison for a carjacking crime.
There are a lot of dangerous people out there, and thankfully a lot of them are behind bars where they can cause no harm to the public.

This man is perhaps among the worst as he is dubbed the ‘most dangerous inmate in the world’, after being sentenced to a whopping 450 years in prison.

Nikko Jenkins first ventured into the criminal underworld at the age of just seven as he brought in a loaded handgun into his elementary school.

At 11, he was kicked out of school for essentially getting into fights with everyone, then later stabbing someone when he was just 13.

Jenkins became involved with gangs from his early teenage years, subsequently being sent to prison at 15 in 2003, for two armed carjackings.

While he was behind bars, Jenkins attacked a prison guard and even initiated a prison riot.

Those extra charges ran concurrently with the carjacking charge, meaning Jenkins received no additional time behind bars, despite committing more crimes.

Well, this decision resulted in many families lives being changed forever as he was released in 2013.

Just 11 days after Jenkins was released from prison, he shot two random people, Jorge Cajiga-Ruiz, 29, and Juan Uribe-Pena, 26.

He did this with the help of his sister and cousin, luring the two men to a location where they were devastatingly shot.

Eight days later, Jenkins shot and murdered one of his former prison inmates, someone he apparently got along with while he was behind bars.

22-year-old Curtis Bradford was killed by Jenkins, which weirdly enough came just a day after the pair took a picture together.

Jenkins’ killing spree did not stop there, as he shot a mother of three four times just days after shooting his former pal.

You can really see how he got his title, can’t you?

Andrea L. Kruger, 33, was killed after her SUV was pulled over by Jenkins, who received help from another family member, this time in the form of his uncle.

In April 2014, Jenkins was convicted of four counts of first-degree murder after being arrested in the previous August.

Jenkins’ trial was certainly a longwinded one, as it looked at one moment the convicted murderer would not get the punishment he deserved.

But in May 2017, he was sentenced to death by a three-judge panel, alongside a 450 year prison sentence.

To this day, Jenkins is still alive and remains on death row.

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