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Mom Arrested After Allegedly Letting Man Sleep With 11-Year-Old Daughter

In Iowa, a 12-year-old girl is pregnant. There is a lot wrong with that, but the most troubling thing is that the girl’s mother allowed it to happen!

Tina M. Durant, 37, let her daughter sleep (who was only 11 years old at the time) in a bed with a 24-year-old man, Jacob White.

Now the child is pregnant with his baby. Durant was arrested and has been charged with child endangerment. White is reportedly a family friend.

According to reports, the 12-year-old complained to her mother about White’s increasingly inappropriate behavior.

Durant didn’t do anything to stop his advances and allowed the whole tragic incident to happen with her non-action.

Several witnesses stepped forward who also claimed to have talked to Durant about her daughter sleeping with White.

Again, Durant didn’t do anything about it.

It would have been smart of those witnesses to contact the authorities too. White faces third-degree sexual abuse charges.

Durant’s neighbors were not shocked by the news that the 12-year-old was pregnant.

The neighbors told reporters that there were men going into the house at all hours and that no one was ever sure what was going on at the house.

Durant is out on bail and has been ordered not to have any contact with her pregnant pre-teen daughter.

Speak up. Take action. It is possible that this situation could have been prevented.

Call the authorities and help protect the innocent children in your neighborhood.

If you feel like something bad is happening – do something.

Share away, people.