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Mom, breaks silence on kidnapping after she was locked up and beaten by man who had already abducted 3 others.

Jones recounted encountering William Mozingo, a man whom she initially deemed benign. Consequently, when he proffered her a ride, she acquiesced.

“It is imprudent to enter a vehicle with unfamiliar individuals or even acquaintances of acquaintances,” she admonished in an interview with Fox 8.

Regrettably, Mozingo did not convey her to her residence. Instead, he purportedly transported Jones to a secluded shed, where he subjected her to captivity.

“It was a harrowing experience. Living in constant trepidation for one’s life is indescribable. The number of times he menaced my life is beyond enumeration,” articulated Jones. She asserted that Mozingo subjected her to incessant abuse spanning four days.

He purportedly assailed her with a baseball bat, accompanied by ominous declarations that she would be forever estranged from her progeny.

Jones, drawing strength from thoughts of her son, found the fortitude to persevere. “I ruminated on him daily. His countenance lingered in my thoughts incessantly,” she expressed.

The Akron, Ohio police, acting on a tip, orchestrated Jones’ rescue and the subsequent arrest of Mozingo. He now faces charges of kidnapping and other serious offenses.

Mozingo’s criminal history reveals a pattern of similar transgressions, with three prior convictions for kidnapping.

Jones’ mother ardently hopes that a fourth conviction will result in a protracted incarceration for Mozingo. “My daughter will never be the same,” lamented Jessi Barham. “Her familiar existence has been irrevocably altered due to his unrestrained presence on the streets, which is utterly intolerable.”

Barham recounted her shock upon seeing her daughter for the first time post-ordeal. “I beheld this unrecognizable figure. Her visage was twice its usual dimensions,” she recalled.

Fearing she might never see her daughter again, Barham’s anxiety was assuaged by a hospital call. “She disclosed she had been abducted. A broken arm and facial fractures compounded her injuries,” narrated Barham.

To aid Jones in her physical and mental recovery, Barham initiated a GoFundMe campaign.