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Mother abandon her new baby in a gutter the same day she was born

Mother abandon her new baby in a gutter the same day she was born

This new born baby corpse was discovered yesterday in a gutter at Asawa community

This is heart wrenching! Millions of women are crying for just one child and someone carried a full term baby like this and dumped him/her in the gutter like trash.

Why? How heartless! Nothing about this makes any sense at all

A lady commented;

Father in Heaven, have mercy on the mother of this child! Rest in peace sweet child!


Sad but we should all try and find out what the real story is before we condemn the mother.

She was was attacked by a neighbor who was so paranoid;
Can you spare me that? nothing on earth justifies this , so what real story do you want?

What the blazes are you on about? Real story? In my opinion, there’s no acceptable excuse for dumping a baby in a storm drain. That is about as wicked as any mother could ever be. I’m no advocate of abortion, other than for health reasons, but in this case, it would have been the better option. Or the mother could have taken the infant to an orphanage.

I hope her conscience eats at her, if she’s got one.

Below is a related video of another child abandon by his mother but survived