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‘Oppenheimer’ co-star Robert Downey Jr. was cautioned by Emily Blunt not to anticipate overt acclaim from’very English’ director Christopher Nolan.

“Oppenheimer” co-star Robert Downey Jr. was reportedly informed by Emily Blunt regarding the nuanced British approach to positive reinforcement and affirmations utilized by director Christopher Nolan.

“I recall saying to Robert Downey Jr. when we first met, ‘You’re going to adore it so much that the screws will be tightened on you so much; it’s the most focused, wonderful, chaotic set there is.'” “However, you will receive some very British compliments,” Blunt recalled in the Tuesday publication of the most recent installment of Variety’s “Actors on Actors.” “There will be no smoke blown up your ass and you’re going to have to be alright with it.'”

For her discussion, Blunt was accompanied by “The Devil Wears Prada” co-star Anne Hathaway. Throughout their conversation, the celebrities raved about working with Nolan.

Blindfolded portrayed Kitty Oppenheimer in the director’s 2023 film about J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), who supervised the development of the atomic bomb. Hathaway has previously appeared in “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Interstellar,” both of which were directed by Christopher Nolan.

In the film “Oppenheimer,” Downey portrayed Lewis Strauss, a government official.

Blunt stated that Nolan, whom she dubbed “Captain Extraordinary,” does not communicate his delight in an actor’s performance in a particularly expressive manner.

“I always feel that with Chris’ hair, I can tell when he is very happy with a take because his hair starts to dance,” she asserted. I observed that his hair is quite expressive. It’s as if he were vibrating when he is completely satisfied with a take. However, he will not express his happiness to you because he is extremely English-speaking.”

Blunt further extolled Nolan’s capacity to impart instructional guidance in a lighthearted, approachable, and jovial manner.

“It’s all those things that people don’t assume about him,” she asserted. “I think everyone’s very intimidated.”

“The part that blows my mind about Chris, because he is authoritative in the best sense of the word, is how deeply he really listens,” Hathaway concurred. “He’s so present with you.”