According to the poIice officiaIs, while she was trying to give her baby a bath, this unfortunate mom made a terrible mistake. The mother reportedly…
Dallas Identity
Some experts argue that the relationship between parents and children can begin before birth. They claim that such “antenatal bonding” – feeling connected to the…
Authorities said that the responding officers were called out to a mobile home on reports that a meth lab was operating inside. But, unfortunately, when…
Per reports, the defendant, later identified as 65-year-old Smith, kidnapped and ra-ed 8-year-old girl, Cherlsh, until her ‘parts were destroyed’. But, unfortunately, prosecutors said that…
According to the court documents, the 59-year-old wife, Corina, was married to her husband, MichaeI, for nearly 40 years when she reportedly kiIIed him by…
The mom, later identified as 27-year-old Miranda, reportedly took her baby, Ares, to the hospitaI and told the hospitaI staff that she found the boy…
Mother notices holes in baby’s nose; doctors discover something troubling. This father received terrible news; unfortunately, his son had died, so he buried him. But…
Brianna and her family moved to a smaller town after her dad was offered a job there. To her surprise, she met someone who looked…
A Michigan man was beyond disgusted to learn what his local Little Caesars restaurant had allegedly fed him. Although he threatened the eatery with a…
According to the court documents, when authorities told the defendant just what he might have contracted from the woman he ra-ed, the rapist coIIapsed. According…