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Police Get Call About ‘Horrid Smell’ In House – He Opens Door To A Heartbreaking Scene

Police get a call about a horrid smell in the house, he opens the door to a heartbreaking scene, and every day the small village Tolliara, located on the coast of Madagascar, is known for its beauty.

All the villagers are like an extended family, which also meant that it had the lowest crime rate.

But that was only until the villagers found out something suspicious. As the villagers were working, they smelled a putrid smell just as bad as when you run an ammonia test in a chemistry lab.

When the villagers tried to outsource the origin of the unbearing smell, it turned out that it was coming from an old, empty house.

For years, nobody had lived in the house that now smelled like it had a filthy smell. The villagers thought the putrid smell would go away in a few days.

To their surprise, it did, but it came back again a few days later, this time stronger than ever. The smell became so powerful that it now could be sensed across all the neighborhood houses. Villagers feared that it might not take long until it would take over the entire village. They also detected movement late at night. What if it was some biochemical weapon against them?

There was a wave of terror amongst the villagers. One of the neighbors dialed and informed the cops about the pungent smell. Within a few hours, the cops came up with an investigating officer, a wildlife expert, Rendria and Jeff Is? Anaka, and also a medical examiner. Once the team was made, they were full fledged, ready to face any situation that was waiting inside the smelly house.

To get in the house was easier than the officers imagined. The gate was easy enough to jump through, and the doors were already damaged. As they got into the house, it looked like nobody had been in there for years. The kitchen cabinets were broken, the walls had holes in them. No one would ever live in such a place.

Randri and Jeff Is? Anaca suggested the bizarre smell could be coming from broken sewage pipes. The officers checked, but found no leakage. The cops were only busy investigating corners of the house when they heard noises coming from the backyard. Since there could be anything behind the leading door, the officers got their weapons loaded when the door was pushed open.

Turned out that there was a whole dark, barren backyard. Not only was there a backyard, but life was spotted. For the first time during the investigation, there were men standing beside large dug holes. What were these men doing? Were they burying people alive?

Were there drugs? Anything could be possible. The men failed to answer any of the questions at this moment. Hence, the cops were left with no other option but to arrest them. For non cooperation.

The dug trenches were deep and at this point it couldn’t be judged what was hidden there. The police continued with their mission to suspect the house. When they entered the kitchen again one of the officers noticed that there was a back door. Normally back doors lead to backyards. Yet he still decided to see what was behind it.

To the officer’s surprise, his head was literally shaken. At the site. The punch and smell source had been found. He had never seen a similar site before. In the room there were tortoise shells.

Not just a few. They looked like thousands. The tortoises were in a compact space and the floor seemed to be moving. Thousands of living sea creatures were living in this room. The more doors the cops opened the more tortoise shells they found in there.

They were innumerable. The wildlife analyst came into action and declared that this was an endangered species that did not belong to Madagascar. Why were there thousands of tortoises lying in the house? The wildlife analyst called more people to help her with the case. After the investigation was over, the most horrifying news was revealed.

All the tortoises around the place were counted which turned out to be 90 in number. The smell came from all the waste that they produced. These men were poachers within the holes lied tortoises in plastic cases. Who the men were trying to hide. An extremely illegal business was running behind an empty looking house.

The men were arrested and the tortoises were moved to a safe place. Many of them were saved from dying and sent to rehabilitation centers. Thanks to the cops and the villagers who helped to stop criminal activity.