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Pregnant Waitress Charges The Cop $9 for Lunch, Moments Later Runs to Manager

A pregnant waitress named Courtney Cattigan started her shift at the Lamp Post Diner, unaware that an unexpected event would leave her in tears. Courtney, who was 8 months pregnant and working long hours to save money for her upcoming motherhood, was used to serving policemen who came in for quick bites before their shifts. However, on this particular day, she encountered an officer she didn’t recognize. The officer left a note and $9 tip for Courtney, wishing her luck on her first baby.

Overwhelmed by the kind gesture, Courtney ran to her manager, struggling to contain her emotions. The manager was initially confused, but Courtney explained the situation, and they were both touched by the officer’s thoughtfulness. Courtney was determined to find the officer to thank him but was unable to do so after her shift ended. She shared the story with her father, who was also moved by the generous tip.

The video highlights the challenges faced by waitstaff, who work long hours on their feet for low wages, and the kindness of strangers that can make a significant difference in their lives. Courtney’s story serves as a reminder of the small acts of kindness that can bring joy and hope during difficult times.

Brian shares a heartwarming story about a pregnant waitress named Courtney who received a generous $100 tip from a police officer, along with a kind note. The officer’s act of kindness not only put a smile on Courtney’s face but also eased her nerves about having a baby and the financial burdens involved. The story went viral, and Courtney’s father brought boxes of donuts to the Vorhees police department as a way to show their appreciation. Courtney gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Cayenne, and her ex-boyfriend, the baby’s father, was back in the picture, allowing them to begin their life together as a family. The story touched the hearts of many Americans and inspired women to feel more confident about working while pregnant. Courtney hopes to return to work soon but is currently enjoying spending time with her family and watching her baby grow up.