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Sarah Snook, star of “Succession,” claims a film producer advised her to abstain from eating cake

According to Succession actress Sarah Snook, she was once reprimanded by a film producer for consuming cake, and a casting director referred to her as a “nobody.”

The cruel maltreatment was detailed by the acclaimed Emmy-nominated HBO star in a new interview published in Sunday’s The Times U.K.

Snook recollected that subsequent to being cast in a film role (the title of which she refrained from disclosing), the casting director conveyed the following: “Although you are a nobody, the director and writer believe you possess the necessary qualities for the role. Therefore, in an effort to make you all more marketable, we will alter your appearance: We will darken your hair and whiten your teeth, and provide you with a personal trainer to help you shed weight and look the part.”

The Australian actress stated that she consented to everything, reasoning, “Being successful requires me to be everything that is not myself.”

“Anger edges into her tone,” according to a Times interviewer, and Snook “becomes furious” as she recalled the following: “One day, however, I consumed the most minute amount of chocolate cake.” According to Snook, she was reprimanded by a producer for the cake in front of the cast and crew, but a costume designer encouraged her to continue consuming it nonetheless. “During this entire time, I am dying on the inside.”

“Were we to infantilize women by denying them the ability to make independent decisions? Why would we do such a thing to women?” Snook inquired.

Snook is nominated for an Emmy at Monday’s prime-time ceremony for her performance as Shiv Roy in Succession, for which she earned her second Golden Globe last week.

Snook promoted her one-woman production of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray on the West End. Amazingly, Snook performs in all 26 roles on the program.

Snook concluded by reminiscing about a podcast in which the secret to happiness was declared. “It rang extremely true for me,” she commented. “Insult the key to attaining happiness.” Specify what it is. We are all curious, correct? And it was reduced to three words: “Other individuals are significant.”