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Sen. Ed Markey Faces Backlash at Pro-Israel Rally for De-escalation Call Amid Conflict with Hamas

Boston, MA – At a pro-Israel rally on Boston Common, Senator Ed Markey faced a tumultuous response from the crowd as he called for a de-escalation of the violence in the Middle East, where Israel is engaged in a conflict with Hamas following a surprise attack over the weekend.

Markey opened his remarks by emphasizing the right of Israel’s people to live in their rightful homeland free from fear and violence. He denounced the “heinous attacks” and “vicious murders” by Hamas, while also calling for the release of hostages. However, he warned against antagonizing the Islamist militant group, designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State.

“Hamas wants continued instability, not normalization,” Markey cautioned. “They are violent extremists, they gain support when there is a crisis. That is why the United States and the international community must keep pushing for diplomacy and the ending of civilian casualties on all sides.”

His plea for de-escalation led to a chorus of boos from the audience, which disrupted his speech for nearly a minute.

Markey’s stance aligns with other left-leaning politicians, including members of “The Squad” in the House of Representatives. Rep. Ayanna Pressley called for an immediate ceasefire, emphasizing the need to work toward a just and lasting peace in the region. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar echoed similar sentiments, expressing concern for the well-being of children and families affected by the violence.

Notably, nearby nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have also advocated for de-escalation.

However, as the death toll continues to rise, doubts about the possibility of a peaceful resolution have emerged. The conflict has already claimed the lives of at least 1,600 people, and some view the war as a pivotal event that has reshaped the region’s dynamics.

In a news analysis, former Jerusalem bureau chief for The New York Times, Steven Erlanger, pointed out that successive Israeli governments had engaged in quiet deals with Hamas in the hope of maintaining stability in the Gaza Strip. However, Hamas’s recent attack on Israel has shattered any illusions about the group’s intentions. Senior Israeli officials are now advocating for a decisive response to restore stability in Gaza and reestablish Israel’s credibility in the Middle East.