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SingIe mom faced 60 years in prison after ‘what she did to the man who vioIated her’!

Per reports, the single mom, later identified as 21-year-old Roxane, was reportedly forced to fight for herself every day to make sure her child is safe and well.

The single mom found herself in a living nightmare when a man entered her home and ra-ed her. The mother explained her side of the story in a letter written to the feminist collective.

She explained that she was leaving work at a potato stand when a woman who worked at a nearby bar asked her to join her for a drink. When she was leaving the bar, the attacker offered to walk her back home where she lived with her 4-year-old son.

During an interview with investigators, the mother reportedly said that she killed her ra-ist, Sinai, after he finished assaulting her inside her home. Although many people feel that the single mother acted in self-defense, law enforcement arrested her and charged her with murder, so she faces 60 years behind bars in a prison for strangling the man who ra-ed her inside her home. The responding officers arrested the mother after she killed her ra-ist. Authorities charged her with homicide, and she is scheduled to be heading to court. She is expected to stand before a judge during her scheduled appearance.

If this single mother is convicted of killing her ra-ist, she could be sentenced to thirty to sixty years behind bars. The mother explained her side of the story in a letter written to the feminist collective. She explained that she was leaving work at a potato stand when a woman who worked at a nearby bar asked her to join her for a drink. When she was leaving the bar, the attacker offered to walk her back home where she lived with her 4-year-old son. When they arrived, Sinai tried to force the mother to invite him to spend the night because he lived far away. “He was being stubborn when we arrived. He obligated me to allow him in,” she wrote. “He insisted that he lived too far to allow him to sleep in my room.

He insisted so much that he scared me, as an idiot, I accepted.” She tried to set up a bed on the floor for Sinai, but he jumped on top of her when she went to bed. “He started to remove the clothes (,) he beat me, he ra-ed me, I was in shock, I just wanted to defend myself,” she wrote. She struck Sinai on the nose at one point, and he started bleeding. That’s when he threatened to murder her, telling her, “Now you are really going to die.” The mother from Mexico managed to find a T-shirt that she tied around her rapist’s neck, choking him to death. “I strangled him, I felt fear, terror, I didn’t want him to hurt anyone else, I felt lonely, denigrated, I felt worthless, I felt it was all my fault for having trusted those people.” Mexican authorities did not conduct a health exam to confirm that she had been ra-ed. Instead, she was charged with murder.