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Teacher’s Goodbye Message Goes Viral When She’s Fired Over “No-Zero” Policy

Calling all parents: how would you feel if your child wasn’t allowed to fail in school? At first mention, the idea might not sound half-bad; after all, schoolwork is tougher for some kids than others.

Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to even the playing field, right?

Well, it’s that very idea–and in this case, that very school policy— that has prompted a teacher to leave her teaching position.

It all happened earlier this week in Port St. Lucie, Florida, when veteran teacher Diana Tirado learned that she would no longer be able to give her students any grade lower than a 50-percent.

This policy came to her attention after several of her eighth grade U.S. History students failed to turn in an assignment. Because Tirado had no work to grade, she gave these students a 0%, a move that would eventually get her in trouble with the school’s administration.

Afterward, the teacher was released from her contract for undisclosed reasons, but it seems as though her refusal to comply with the middle school’s unorthodox grading scale was the reason.
Before leaving, she left her students with a note that since gone viral, letting them know why she would no longer be their U.S. History teacher:
Bye Kids. Mrs. Tirado loves you and wishes the best in life! I have been fired for refusing to give you a 50% for not handing anything in.❤️ Mrs. Tirado

Such a frustrating story! It’s hard to believe that a school would actually reward a student for refusing to participate in their studies.
To learn even more about this confounding tale and to meet Mrs. Tirado yourself, be sure to watch the video below.