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The 15 Reasonably Priced Handbag Manufacturers Our Experts Consistently Suggest

We adore the best designer handbags, whether they are made by Saint Laurent, Chanel, or brands like Bottega Veneta and Chloé. You might occasionally want to spend money on a very exceptional bag from one of these high-end manufacturers. But if your budget is tight and you’re seeking for a less expensive approach to achieve the same professional appearance that a designer bag can provide, don’t worry. You aren’t losing out because there are a ton of more budget-friendly handbag manufacturers who are producing bags that are just as desirable as those with price tags in the four figures.

However, it is difficult to define the term “cheap,” and it is always relative. One individual may have to spend £30 For another, it might entail a fantastic $5 charity store find. And for some, anything that costs less than a £10k Hermès Birkin qualifies as “more cheap.” Personally, we believe that a bag must offer tremendous value in order to be considered “affordable”—having a fair price tag in compared to those uber-luxe brands while still having a premium design and feel.

The amount and duration of consumption are other important considerations. At first glance, a £40 purse could appear more inexpensive, especially when compared to more expensive designer options. But, if you only use it a few times before it breaks or wear it only once because you don’t really adore it, then its value is diminished.