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The anti-racism centre founded by Ibram X. Kendi has closed down despite receiving millions of dollars in donations

The American problem is one of racial inequality. Although there is no way to change the events of the past, it is possible to buy forgiveness for how they have made you feel. That was the deal Ibram X. Kendi, the renowned thinker of “anti-racism,” made with white liberals while he was peddling his theory. The previous week saw the collapse of his Centre for Antiracist Research at Boston University, which was allegedly due to poor administration. The institution has begun what it is calling a “inquiry” into the whereabouts of the cash donations totaling millions of dollars. Some sort of deal.

Saida Grundy, a professor at BU who specialises in African American and Black Diaspora studies, has stated, “I don’t know where the money is.” Professor Grundy, who also served in the capacity of “Assistant Director of Narrative” at the centre, eventually tendered his resignation after expressing dissatisfaction with the “exploitative” working hours. Phillipe Copeland, who took over after her, referred to the firings as “an act of employment violence and trauma” and requested an explanation for “how mass layoffs are ‘antiracist.'” These individuals are not to be taken seriously, despite the fact that many of them have major positions within the American academy, which was once considered to be a serious institution. A year of instruction from these brilliant brains may be had for the low, low price of $83,278.

Before Kendi’s life started to spiral downward like a lead balloon, it was rocketing upward. Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, which he authored in 2016, earned him the National Book Award for Nonfiction, making him the youngest ever recipient of the award. In less than a year, Kendi had received a scholarship from the Guggenheim Foundation, a place on the masthead of the Atlantic, and a position as the head of the Antiracist Research and Policy Centre at American University, which was sponsored by donors. His book How to Be an Antiracist was published in 2019, and The New York Times hailed it as “the most courageous book to date on the problem of race in the Western mind.”

Kendi contends in his book How to Be an Antiracist that “there is no such thing as a not-racist idea,” arguing instead that there are “racist ideas and antiracist ideas.” This shows absolutely no sign of bravery whatsoever. It has been shown to be incorrect, and it is also the beginning of tyranny. For instance, the concept that “2+2=4” in mathematics does not promote racism in any way. In the same vein, the notions that all employees should be required to pay taxes and that all retirees are entitled to Social Security payments are incorrect. Kendi, on the other hand, is of the opinion that objectivity is “dead” and that in order to maintain control over black people, “white culture” necessitates mathematical precision. He won’t believe you after he finds out about the Indians and the Chinese.

According to what Kendi asserts in her book “How to Be an Antiracist,” “Every policy in every institution in every community in every nation is producing or sustaining racial inequity or equity.” This refigures the old Marxist language of class war for racial conflict, with terms such as “institutional racism” and “white supremacy” substituting terms such as “capitalist exploitation” and “false consciousness,” and “equity” functioning as a euphemism for forceful redistribution. In addition to this, it is a permit to run a protection racket: “Nice institution you’ve got here. It would be terrible if someone were to accuse us of being racist.

The Centre for Antiracist Research received tens of millions of dollars in funds shortly after its launch in the summer of 2020, which occurred amidst the widespread panic caused by the George Floyd protests. Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, contributed 10 million dollars. The donation came from the biotechnology company Vertex. The Open Society Foundations made a donation of 140 thousand dollars. The COVID-19 Racial Data Tracker will benefit from a gift of $1.5 million that will come from the Rockefeller Foundation. Kendi hired 45 anti-racists who were preoccupied with race in the early days of the movement for “racial justice.” Their mission was to eradicate racism from the American psyche by coming up with novel approaches to make everything in American life relevant to racial issues.

Kendi reexamined his concerns on mathematics and objectivity while he was well ensconced in the corner office. He would enlist the aid of the white man’s social science and big data in order to construct a digital racism tracker with red-hot spots that would flash in real time. With the addition of an anti-racist amendment to the Constitution and the establishment of a new Department of Anti-racism, the government would be able to investigate and punish anyone who is ever accused of racism, no matter where they are or when they commit the act. The United States of America might end racism if it became the most racially integrated civilization on the entire planet.

He dreamt about it. To our great good, nobody at the centre put forth any effort whatsoever. Its employees have only put their names on two articles in the past three years, and even those were written in collaboration with scholars from other institutions. The Boston Globe reports that Kendi “refused to delegate authority” while he was keeping himself busy working on an anti-racist graphic novel, an anti-racist podcast, and an anti-racist television series. After that, he took a leave of absence to protest racism. These kinds of actions are referred to as “power-hoarding” by anti-racists, who also assert that they are indicative of “white culture.”
A “pattern of amassing grants without any commitment to producing the research obligated” has been spotted by Jean Morrison, who is the provost at Boston University (BU). If Kendi’s assertions that America’s institutions are as racist as he makes them out to be, then his refusal to “do the work” has allowed them to continue being as evil as they are.

The high priests of anti-racism have amassed vast fortunes through the sale of racial absolutes. In the meantime, the likelihood of black Americans becoming victims of severe crimes is higher now than it was in the year 2020. Their children, despite the fact that gibberish of the Kendi variety has made its way into the curriculum, have a lower chance of meeting the minimum educational requirements. Now, Phillipe Copeland is making accusations that Kendi is peddling “theatre, therapy, and marketing masquerading as institutional commitment.” However, this was the price we paid all along. White liberals were so focused on joining the movement in order to save their souls that they didn’t care about the people they alienated in the process of doing so.