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The mother is still looking for answers in the hit-and-run accident that occurred in Dallas County

The mother of Joseph Johnson, who was killed in a hit-and-run accident, is hoping that the new year would offer new clues in the investigation. Even though he passed away on July 26, 2015, his case has not yet been solved.

“I think that would help some,” she said. “If I just knew who is responsible for it, or if I just knew why it happened, or how it happened, I think that would help some.”

Leighea’s firstborn son, Joseph, and the two of them shared a very close relationship. At the age of 26, he had recently relocated back to his mother’s house, was quite frequent in his phone calls to her, and was even planning to take a trip together.

It was stated by her that Joseph had been to Selma in order to socialize and drink with his pals prior to the trip. She stated that she did not give it any thought until the next day, when she witnessed her brother-in-law arrive into her driveway in Deatsville and conveyed the news to her.

He simply looked at her and said, “Joseph is gone,” she recounted. “And he just looked at me.”

Not only was Leighea’s son missing, but the driver who had hit him immediately fled the scene. The deceased body of Joseph was discovered on County Road 209, close to Highway 14. He was by himself. As time went on, she found out that he had a disagreement with his friend and that he exited the vehicle.

The statement that she made was as follows: “He was found on the side of the road between the hours of 2:30 and 6 a.m., and something had hit him.” I am really perplexed as to how someone may be able to do that. Please just leave him there by himself. If I were to hit an animal on the road, I would break into sobs, and I would be unable to drive at all. This is because someone did that to my child, and they just left him on the road to die, just as you would a rabbit or a deer.

For the time being, the investigation is being handled by state troopers, and Leighea has stated that they are optimistic for new leads and some closure in the case involving her son.