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The mysterious cry from the forest will shock you

These two cute little bears were trapped in a tree. They’re desperately crying for help until a Wisconsin resident notices them.

Bears might look fearsome and dangerous because of their appearance. However, they could be the ones in real danger once they come close to civilization.

That’s definitely true, especially for these two helpless cubs who get trapped on a tree near the residential area in Wisconsin. Being in a desperate situation, all they could do is cry for help.

They cried for two days until a citizen with a heart for wildlife notices their desperate pleas. She then follows the cry until she finds these distressed creatures.

She immediately calls for animal help and rescue. As soon as the rescuer sees their stressful state, they gave them watermelons for hydration. The cubs directly run into the wild right after freeing them from the tree.

With the help of someone who has a loving heart for the environment, these little cubs were given a chance to live freely in the wild. That shows us that there is hope in humanity.