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The priest told her to keep her sick baby in the water then a shocking thing happened

The priest told her to keep her sick baby in the water. Then a shocking thing happened. A Russian priest has been filmed violently and repeatedly pushing a screaming and naked baby underwater during a baptism, Elias simelith off could be struck off after he was seen three times roughly forcing the two-year-old girl’s head underwater in the font. The girl screamed in terror, but watching adults did not intervene and there was even laughter among those standing nearby. There were claims.

The priest had twice struck the girl’s head on the font during the extreme baptism, but these were denied by the church and the girl’s mother. The priest is to face a church court, but the girl’s mother insisted the girl cried because she was scared of the priest and her parents did not register a complaint. The mother has said that she was grateful to the priest for baptizing her daughter, a worried woman. Parishioner lilia reznikova said the priest had told her that children other than newborn babies must be broken during the baptism ritual because satan is sitting inside them. She said i remember how i was scared when he began to speak this nonsense in the video water gushed out.

The font onto the floor as bearded orthodox priest semelatov forced the girl’s head underwater nuns with mops are seen arriving afterwards to dry. The puddles, the russian orthodox church, is planning to take action against the priest over the video which has gone viral in russia. Even though the baptism was two years ago, the gachina diocese apologized for the incident and said the priest has been banned from ministerial duties wearing clerical robes and giving blessings for one year.

The high rank of clergymen obliges its holder to serve in the image of good shepherd our lord jesus christ, and to perform all sacred actions reverently with the fear of god, and a sensitive attitude toward the children of the church. The diocese statement said arch priest, mikhail samoakin, of the pietigorist and circasian diocese said the priest acted too harshly.

He has been suspended from officiating at services and he will be judged by the church court. The court has the power to remove his holy orders. Simeletov is a priest at saint george’s covenant in russia’s stavropol region. The mother anonymously posted my daughter was two. Then she was crying because she was afraid of the priest.

She was in church for the first time we’re very grateful to the priest that has agreed to baptize her. An online backlash has condemned the priest as sick, criticizing the relatives who failed to stop this nightmare. One commenter asked: does this maniac serves the church or the devil news agency rhea reported that there had been complaints about the priest before from his parishioners, with one describing him as rude and demanding a source at the getchina diocese’s press service said he had not received Any official complaints, but he had been transferred there as a disciplinary measure, resulting from his time serving at another leningrad region. Church, radio, free europe reported this wasn’t the first time that happened from a priest during baptism. This is a bizarre moment.

A baby’s relatives are forced to wrestle their child away from a french priest who slapped it during its baptism. The clergyman hit the child in the face with his left hand after he lost his temper when the child would not stop crying. During the ceremony in the summer of 2018, many were taken aback by a disturbing viral video, which appeared to show a french-speaking catholic priest slapping a baby while officiating its baptism. The video formed the basis of news reports throughout the world. On 21 june, the daily mail reported.

This is the bizarre moment. A baby’s relatives are forced to wrestle their child away from a french priest who is slapping it during its baptism. The clergyman hit the child in the face with his left hand after he lost his temper when the child would not stop crying during the ceremony. The outraged man and woman watching on who appeared to be his parents react in shock and step in to snatch their baby back. It’S not known when the footage was filmed, but it was captured in a church where the ceremony was conducted in french in the video.

A priest can be seen holding a crying baby next to the baptismal font and attempting to calm and comfort him or her. However, he becomes increasingly frustrated by the child’s screams and, at one point, slaps the child in the face shouting. Relax the adults surrounding the baby are visibly shocked by this and make efforts to take the child back from the priest’s arms. The priest holds the baby even closer to him at one point appearing to cover the child’s face with his hand, saying you’re going to relax the video ends with a man, possibly the baby’s father or godfather, pulling the child away from the priest. But even then the priest struggles to hold on to the baby, the video is authentic.

On 22 june czech news, the fact-checking arm of the french newspaper la bereshon, reported the scene unfolded during a baptism which took place on 17 june in a church in sien at marnet, not in martinique or belgium, as you might have read on social media. In recent days, when contacted by czech news, the spokesperson for the diocese said the priest apologized to the family after the incident and the baby was indeed baptized.

According to liberatone, the diocese spokesperson described the priest’s actions as understandable, but not excusable and said a baptism can be long and the baby was crying a lot. In a statement published on 22 june, the diocese of mew located 30 miles east of paris, confirmed the priest suspension. This short video was an extract from a ceremony in which the baby was crying a lot.

The elderly priest lost his cool and slapped the child. Mindful of this unwarranted act, the priest apologized to the family after the baptism, the loss of temper can be explained by the elderly priest’s tiredness, but that doesn’t excuse it. On friday, 22 june, monsignor young, yes, namias, bishop of mew took precautionary measures whereby the priest is suspended from all marriage and baptism ceremonies. The diocese has also suspended the priest from his duties at the parish church of saint martin de champeau, where he is the rector.

The statement added according to emily jeffrey, a reporter for the french newspaper le figaro, the family of the child, has filed a complaint against the priest, but it’s not clear whether that relates to the diocese or if a formal criminal charges have been filed, little children and Infants are perfect in christ until they reach an age where they are accountable for their mistakes.

Why a priest could hurt a newborn baby like that witnesses claimed the baby died after father valentine failed to cover his mouth and nose when he immersed him in the water. Three times film, shot by relatives shows the youngster moving after being taken out of the font, but then suffering difficulty breathing as he is dressed 20 minutes later. He started bleeding from his nose and mouth and died. The baby died on the way to the hospital and a postmortem found he had drowned. The baby’s father, dimitri gadou, told romania’s public a tv he added.

We all saw it. The priest didn’t put his hand over the baby’s mouth to stop the water going in as he should have done and as they do at every other baptism. We couldn’t believe it that he just put his hand over his belly and over his head and submerged him. Three times in the water, father valentine denies being the blame for the baby’s death at the ceremony in the raskani district in northwestern moldova, the baby’s godmother aleona vicuriac 32, told the sun. The baby was crying as he went into the water.

We couldn’t believe it, but we thought the priest must know what he’s doing, but he didn’t when we got him back and there was nothing that could be done anymore. She said that she and the other godparents had challenged the priest and asked him. What have you done? She added he just told us that he knew better than we did what should have happened and that it was not his first baptism. He was experienced and knew what to do.

Dr sergey relinu, who examined the tiny tot, confirmed that the baby had drowned police said they have launched a manslaughter investigation if found guilty. The priest faces up to three years in jail. Baptism is to be taken by a believer after understanding and it is to be a person’s choice and not like infant baptism or forced baptism. So please let your baby grow up in bible-based living style and in god’s presence, and then he or she will definitely get baptized on their own and not like a formality. Also baptism is an act between one person and god, where promises are made to follow jesus christ and god promises to give them the presence of the holy spirit.

You can’t willingly make that promise through baptism if you’re a week old, as stated before, you have to be accountable for yourself in order to do that, newborn babies are innocent and heaven-bound. They have no sin counted against them. Infant baptism is more of a dedication ceremony than a baptism of repentance. Babies have no need to and cannot repent and the parents cannot repent for them. Just like, i cannot repent, for you repentance is a personal choice made of knowledge, understanding and maturity.

A child has none of those adult qualities, they’re not held accountable for any sin that is in the world already. There is no condemnation of children and they will always go to heaven. Should they die because jesus gave the command to baptize and the early church baptized infants in the acts of the apostles chapter 10, cornelius and all his household are baptized paul does the same at philippi, baptizing, the goler and his family? There is no mention of children. Being excluded, nothing in the new testament forbids the baptism of children.

All the indications are in favor of child baptism. Let the little children come to me, for it is unto such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs were the words of jesus. Those who oppose child baptism are misrepresenting jesus’s words to mean keep those little blighters away from me for no way are such as these having any chance of the kingdom of heaven.

Child mortality was often thirty to fifty percent, so parents often wanted their children baptized early children are innocent in the same way, animals are innocent, a child’s brain is underdeveloped and with time it is able to understand the way we understand things simply because the brain has Matured enough to absorb the information, an abused child may never learn empathy or compassion or a twisted version of it due to trauma and fear. But even children who are terribly abused can develop empathy and compassion.

All children can experience sexual sensations, but are, of course not aware of society’s rules or stigma about sex and are therefore innocent. I, like this quote from roger henry feel the dignity of a child do not feel superior to him for you or not. Children in their underdeveloped states of innocence deserve to be cherished, respected and protected. They may be taxing sometimes, but with our understanding and love, it is a privilege to guide them thanks for reading.