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The representative who declined Shakira’s request to be represented 32 years ago

Shakira was still an unknown musician in 1991 when her uncle gave a promotional cassette of the Colombian singer to an entertainment agent in Barcelona when he was seeking for a management in Spain.

The artist was first uninterested in Jaume Estruch, who at the time was the director of Barcelona Animacio and who had an office with the Colombian’s uncle.
Yet, he retained the tape from her album “Magia,” which she recorded when she was 14 years old and contained nine songs. It has surfaced now, more than three decades later.

According to Estruch, who spoke to EFE, “one day a neighbor came down to my office to inform me that his niece was a singer in Colombia and was seeking for a manager in Spain.”

“I politely declined, but I decided to keep the cassette.

“She was Colombian and extremely young, so I didn’t immediately recognize the commercial possibilities.

These are actual events; the story is now anecdotal.Estruch has now made the decision to sell the tape for 1,200 euros on

Despite not being a fan, he remarked, “I enjoy Shakira, and I’m sure there is someone who might be interested in it.
When Shakira’s uncle paid a visit to the office, Sony had just released the album “Magia” in Colombia, and Shakira’s parents had seen that it wasn’t performing as well as they had hoped.

Though sales of that initial album were “disastrous,” the singer persisted and eventually found an agent who assisted her in reworking her sound.

While everything was going on, Estruch and his wife Ruth forgot about their neighbor’s visit, which they only dimly recall, until after a few years the artist started to