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There are some people living in North Dallas who want the city to take more action to handle the homeless encampments that are located nearby

Others in the neighborhood, such Thomas Thompson, are worried about what they see to be developing into a serious issue.

An campsite for homeless people can be found in their area in North Dallas.Other people are experiencing homelessness in the vicinity of Forest Lane and Interstate 75, which is a location where there is a significant amount of panhandling.

Those who live in the encampment are causing problems for the homeowners, according to others who live nearby.

“They are aware that our trash pickup is scheduled for Tuesday,” shared Glen Campbell, a neighbor who expressed alarm. Therefore, when we put it out on Monday night, there is trash on my driveway where they rummage through the trash cans on Tuesday morning. on other words, garbage is everywhere.

The worried neighbor, Thomas Thompson, expressed his concern by saying, “We are concerned about health and safety issues.” “There are no facilities available. The fact that these individuals do not have access to sanitary facilities means that whatever is going on is being brought into White Rock Creek.

In her capacity as Director of the Dallas Office of Homeless Solutions, Christine Crossley stated that the location in question is one that her office is familiar with. According to her, they have responded to seven Service Request calls for the region over the course of the past three weeks.

It was said by her that they relocate people from the neighborhood and provide assistance to them in locating housing resources.

According to Crossley, the area was cleaned up not too long ago, but it is possible that new people will be moving there.

According to Crossley, “We have done a lot of work in this area over the past two and a half years in terms of really working with the people who have been encamping consistently in the area to get people housed.” Therefore, it is a great deal better than it was in the past.

Some improvements have been noted by neighbors, but they hope that far more may be done.

“I just want us to work together to resolve these problems,” according to Thompson.

As a result of the fact that providing panhandlers with food, money, or clothing does not improve the situation in the long run, the Office of Homeless Solutions requests that you refrain from doing so.

As an alternative, they suggest that you make a donation to groups that are striving to remove homelessness. This allows for the provision of services and resources to individuals who are in need, which can contribute to the breakdown of the cycle of homelessness.