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There is a waiting list for the designer-looking bag since it is so good

There are a few characteristics that we always look for when purchasing accessories, and bags in particular, whether we’re spending money on a premium item or a smart high-street discovery. First, quality—we need to trust that the work will hold up over time. Second, is the purchase worthwhile given the cost per wear? Not to mention, in terms of style, would it still be attractive in a year? As someone who frequently scrolls through the newest fashions, I’ve noticed that one bag in particular has drawn a lot of attention. You might be surprised to learn where it’s from.

Occasionally a work appears that creates such a stir.
Every now and then, a piece makes such a stir in the Who What Wear office that we give it its own moniker. During the past few weeks, we’ve talked a lot about what we call “the Anthro bag.” Yes, the upscale high-street retailer Anthropologie sells it. You probably already know that we’re experts at spotting the next big thing, and accessories happen to be our speciality. So you can only imagine how excited we all were when we stumbled upon a hidden gem on the Anthropologie website: a sizable handbag made of vegan leather that pays homage to one of the most iconic designer bags of recent memory (and is also available in black).

Melie Bianco’s woven bag is the ideal alternative for those who adore Bottega Veneta’s Jodie bag (but not the price tag), and we adore the brand’s devotion to quality, craftsmanship, and reasonably priced elegance. It is offered in two sizes and six various colors. What’s not to love? All of their bags are created from high-quality vegan leather in an atmosphere that is cruelty-free, animal-friendly, and adheres to fair trade principles. The satchel is a solid option if you’re searching for a new bag that will go with nearly everything you already possess. There’s no need for you to sift through several pages of totes and top handles because I’ve already done the legwork. Scroll down to view and purchase the bag we believe to be the best kept secret in fashion.