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Toddler Was Found On The Roof – What Cops Found Was A Horrifying Discovery

A two-year-old girl managed to crawl out onto the roof of her family’s home in Springfield, Ohio. If that were not shocking enough, the police arrived when after the mother, Daun Morrison called and told the police she couldn’t find her daughter.

The living conditions inside the home were disgusting, there was human waste all over, and the place was infested with insects.

The little girl had been left alone in a room with no air-conditioning. The toddler used the open window to make her escape out onto the roof! Morrison was apparently sleeping on with her toddler on a urine stained mattress on the floor.

According to the police, flies and cockroaches were all over the home – even inside the refrigerator! Also living in the home were three cats and a dog.

Urine and feces could be found in every room, and the toilet was overflowing with it! This sounds just too unreal to be true! They eventually found the little girl on the roof, sweating and listless.

The temperature in the house had reached over 80 degrees, and with all the filth, the conditions were even worse. Morrison was arrested, pleaded not guilty, and soon released.

She then went on social media telling everyone what a good mother she is and that we don’t know the full story.

Thankfully, the toddler was removed from the home and is in the care of her grandmother. Let us hope Morrison gets the help she clearly needs. Share away, people.