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Two Arrested For Ravishing 9-Month-Old Baby, Then Police Made An Even Worse Discovery!

Police officials said that 19-year-old Isiah and 22-year-old Dalreus were taken into custody after they did something worse than you could probably imagine. Police officials said that the two men reportedly ra-ed the 9-month-oId girI.

The investigators made an even worse discovery. Prosecutors said that the legal system is going to make them pay for what they did to the innocent little girl.

This serves as a stark reminder to all parents out there to be vigilant about who their children are interacting with, especially on social media.

It’s hard enough to keep track of what our kids are doing when we can see them with our own eyes, but when they’re posting online it can be difficult to know what kind of terrible things they might be getting up to behind our backs.

According to the police officials, both suspects allegedly ra-ed the baby and filmed the entire assault on their cellphone camera for later viewing. The pair of men were indicted by a grand jury on numerous charges against the little girl, including aggravated se-ual exploitation of a minor. The baby girl’s mother discovered the horror when she found footage of the ra-e on a cellphone. She reported the attack to the police and law enforcement took swift action against the alleged child ra-ists.

In one video, a suspect touched the baby, who was naked from the waist down. The man then exposed himself on camera and did unthinkable things while recording the footage that he could have wanted to share with more people interested in crimes against children. The victim’s mother was able to identify the two perpetrators to police by looking at the video footage. This helped the cops narrow down their list of suspects and get to the bottom of the case so they could put the right people behind bars for the crimes they committed against the innocent children of the Earth.

A press release from the District Attorney’s Office claimed that Daireus was behind the camera recording the sexual assault while Isiah was the man touching the baby girl. Isiah was indicted for aggravated assault of a child while his partner in crime, Daireus, was indicted on the charge of being criminally responsible for the conduct of another person in the aggravated ra-e of a child, since he was the cameraman recording the crime for posterity and to share with other pedo-hiles. Both men now face a potential sentence of life in prison if they are convicted of the heinous crimes that they have been accused of.